Shiloh: Year 6
Former campers and myself: Tina, Raven, Jeanette, Sam, Jason, Ashleigh
It really is amazing how the little moments in our lives can completely change the course our lives will take. One such little moment for me occurred in early May 2000. My freshman year was just wrapping up and I went to a college devo at local church in Nashville, TN. At the end of the devo my roommate's older brother, Todd and his wife Ashley, spoke about this summer camp called Shiloh and how they were in need of some guy counselors. It sounded interesting, but to completely honest it went in one ear and out the other. As I was saying good-bye to friends I went up front to say good-bye to Todd. Just to say good-bye. With no intention of asking more about Shiloh. But all Todd could talk about was Shiloh. "So what are you doing this summer? You should come to Shiloh. Why Not? You have nothing else to do." He was so persistent that at the end of the conversation I found myself saying, "I'll think about it." I went home to think and talk with my parents to get their approval. By the next night I was committed to go to place I had never been before or even seen in a picture. I was going to Shiloh.
It is now May 2005. It has been six years since that providential moment in that Nashville church. It's incredible how much can change in six years. How much the camp has changed. How much the kids have changed. How much I have changed. The picture above is just one example of the changes that have taken place. Six years ago they were small and immature kids who loved receiving the love and concern from the counselors. Today they are full grown mature adults who are now full time staff members and they have the staff shirts to prove it.
Blessing, Gift, Honor, Privilege. All of these words are not sufficient to describe what it is when you see these former campers give back to present children of Shiloh. I can't explain what it is to see them give the same love to the campers that they had received as a child. The seeds that were planted in these campers more than six years ago have now come to harvest. To see former seeds watering seeds of their own is an experience that cannot be defined. I can't explain it because it is not my doing. It is completely God at work in the lives of men and women.
So this week I encourage you not to ignore the little moments of life. For me that little moment in that Nashville church turned out to have huge impact on my life. It changed the course of my life which naturally changed the destination of my life. What is your course? What is your destination? These are questions we need to think about. As for me, my course is set and my destination confirmed. I believe my course is to do God's will for my life and I believe that will lead me to my destination which still is and always will be Shiloh.
So this week I encourage you not to ignore the little moments of life. For me that little moment in that Nashville church turned out to have huge impact on my life. It changed the course of my life which naturally changed the destination of my life. What is your course? What is your destination? These are questions we need to think about. As for me, my course is set and my destination confirmed. I believe my course is to do God's will for my life and I believe that will lead me to my destination which still is and always will be Shiloh.
Coming Next Week: No Time For Marriage
P.S. - After thinking long and hard. I have decided not to pursue Hunter College, and to choose to attend UAB in the fall. To be back in NYC right away, but my passion for study is the Civil Rights Movement. So I will get to NYC eventually, but for now it's Alabama.